Vaša košarica
Vaša košarica

Alga CalMag je popolnoma naraven izboljševalec tal z visoko vsebnostjo kalcija, magnezija, vitaminov, mineralov in elementov v sledeh. Zagotavlja hitro absorpcijo kalcija in magnezija, kar omogoča optimalno rast rastlin. Prav tako uravnava pH tal (5,5-6,5), poveča aktivnost mikrobov, izboljša sposobnost shranjevanja hranil, spodbuja življenje v tleh in krepi celične stene rastlin.

The harvest will be more abundant and of better quality, and the plants will be more resistant to attacks by pests, fungi and pathogens.

INSTRUCTIONS: Top dressing: Use 70g to 120g per m2.

Mixing with substrate: Add from 30 g to 50 g per 10 l of substrate.

Storage: Store out of the reach of children and animals in a closed container, protected from sunlight. Temperatures between 0 and 30 °C allow storage for at least 2 years.

Composition: Calcined algae 80% calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 12% magnesium carbonate (MgCO3)

Warning! Avoid inhaling the powder. Avoid contact of dust with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. By using Calmag, we regulate the pH of the soil (5.5‒6.5) and it is not used for plants that prefer acidic soil.



Teža1 kg

Organic nutrients

