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Advanced Nutrients Bloom pH perfect


Bloom PH Perfect je del trikomponentnega gnojila (GROW-MICRO-BLOOM), zasnovanega za vse faze življenja rastline iz Advanced Nutrients.

Bloom je posebej oblikovan za fazo cvetenja in ga je treba povezati z izdelki iste linije Micro in Grow. Vsebuje kelirane elemente v sledovih in zagotavlja bujno cvetenje. Dobre letine v najkrajšem možnem času. Z linijo PH Perfect of the Advanced Nutrients boste pozabili na skoke PH, saj vsebuje huminske in fulvinske kisline, ki stabilizirajo pH hranilne raztopine, ne da bi poškodovali rastline ali vplivali na letino.

UPORABA IN DOZIRANJE: 4 ml na liter. Dobro pretresite, da v celoti izkoristite.


Nova formula 5 v 1 “pH PERFECT” Grow, Micro and Bloom vsebuje organske površinsko aktivne snovi, huminske kisline in fulvinske kisline, aminokisline in edinstveno tehnologijo, ki samodejno popravi pH vaše hranilne raztopine.

PH Perfect GMB je “recept” tehnologije Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect, ki vsebuje:

  • Wet Betty, ki je organska površinsko aktivna snov, ki zmanjša površinsko napetost vaše vode, kar olajša difuzijo in absorpcijo hranilnih snovi v vaše rastline
  • humic acid that provides a natural aid for the transfer of nutrients and vitamins into your plants, so that they will grow faster and make them develop stronger cellular processes.
  • fulvic acid that speeds up the absorption of nutrients. These two acids must work in sinergy with each other to obtain the best conditions in order to speed up the vegetative and flowering stage of the plants. GMB nutrients for a faster growth and an impressive final result
  • Kelatni elementi ki jih korenine hitro in enostavno absorbirajo


pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom

Is a 3-part premium base nutrient trio precisely formulated to give your high-value crops the exact nutrient ratios and concentrations they need.

No competitor offers this full spectrum of quality ingredients. When pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom is fed to your plants, they benefit from an unmatched array of amino acids. You’ll also witness amazing results from the fulvic acid and powerful non-ionic surfactant. Which form a multi-stage delivery matrix to ensure your plants absorb everything.

And the powerful chelation guarantees that every nutrient is more available to your plants’ precious roots than ever before. And that’s not all: pH Perfect® Technology works around the clock to calibrate and adjust the pH for you. So you never have to use meters or add harsh pH-adjusting chemicals ever again.

Advanced Nutrients Bloom pH perfect feeding chart:





10l, 1L, 5l


Advanced nutrients